This has been a weird summer! The weather here in the PNW could never really make its mind. We went from rainy and cold to 90 every few days. I did manage to get a few nice crops along the way though.
My cherry tomatoes loved the weather and this is the 4th harvest off that same bush this summer. The peppers have been steady and the Romas are looking great. I have easily another full size 7-8 Roma tomatoes that will be ready by end of September. The large heirloom tomato has produced a few good sized fruits but the weather played havoc with them and for every 2 I could use, 1 was split and not useable. I have made a ton of salsas and red sauce this summer much to the delight of friends and the SO. If you find you have a ton of cherry tomatoes, try this recipe (Oven Roasted cherry Tomatoes) for an easy salad or vegetable topper that you can make ahead of time.
The green beans have been less than thrilling but if I had more than one plant, I could have actually made
more with them. Even though the edamame was a disappointment, I got a lot of great seeds to save for next year!
My cherry tomatoes loved the weather and this is the 4th harvest off that same bush this summer. The peppers have been steady and the Romas are looking great. I have easily another full size 7-8 Roma tomatoes that will be ready by end of September. The large heirloom tomato has produced a few good sized fruits but the weather played havoc with them and for every 2 I could use, 1 was split and not useable. I have made a ton of salsas and red sauce this summer much to the delight of friends and the SO. If you find you have a ton of cherry tomatoes, try this recipe (Oven Roasted cherry Tomatoes) for an easy salad or vegetable topper that you can make ahead of time.
The green beans have been less than thrilling but if I had more than one plant, I could have actually made
more with them. Even though the edamame was a disappointment, I got a lot of great seeds to save for next year!
For fall, I was hoping my squash would survive but the pill bugs have devoured all 3 plants. I used diatomaceous earth but the rain every couple of days just washed it away. I am certainly going to plant a few more of the bush beans as they seemed most resistant to my new nemeses (seems like that should be nemesisi?) the pill bugs.
The Brussel sprouts are coming in strong and we should have a lovely side/dinner of them in just a few weeks. The little green garden spiders did their job well this year and took care wasps, caterpillars, and flies! They creep me out but they are welcome to live in the Brussel sprout plants if they keep killing the wasps. Next year we will mulch and have new supports for the beans and tomatoes. Now on to fall and winter veggies!
The Brussel sprouts are coming in strong and we should have a lovely side/dinner of them in just a few weeks. The little green garden spiders did their job well this year and took care wasps, caterpillars, and flies! They creep me out but they are welcome to live in the Brussel sprout plants if they keep killing the wasps. Next year we will mulch and have new supports for the beans and tomatoes. Now on to fall and winter veggies!