I grow a lot of fruit and flowers. I love my roses and lavender but I love mixing all of them into tea even more!
A great way to preserve nature's bounty of fruit and flowers is to dry them and mix them with your favorite blends of tea. I am particularly partial to Strawberry Grapefruit green tea and Lavender Vanilla Earl Grey. I also use some of my herbs from the garden to add a bit more to the flavors like fresh mint or basil. I know the basil sounds weird but basil Strawberry is amazing!
For the first time, I am trying something and setting up a shop on Etsy! This is new to me, so be kind. :)
A great way to preserve nature's bounty of fruit and flowers is to dry them and mix them with your favorite blends of tea. I am particularly partial to Strawberry Grapefruit green tea and Lavender Vanilla Earl Grey. I also use some of my herbs from the garden to add a bit more to the flavors like fresh mint or basil. I know the basil sounds weird but basil Strawberry is amazing!
For the first time, I am trying something and setting up a shop on Etsy! This is new to me, so be kind. :)